Welcome to the B.e.i. Mentor Program!

At the Byrd’s Entrepreneurial Institute (The B.E.I.), we are embracing the future of mentorship by leveraging cutting-edge technology to connect our budding entrepreneurs with seasoned experts from around the globe.

Our innovative approach ensures that our students receive top-notch guidance and support without the constraints of physical location.

Getting Started with Your Mentor

  • Sign Up:

    Create your profile on our mentor specific platforms.

  • Match Up:

    Use the platform’s matching system to find mentors who align with your business needs.

  • Reach Out:

    Schedule your first mentoring session and start your journey to entrepreneurial success.

  • Stay Connected:

    Keep in touch with your mentors through regular check-ins and follow-up sessions.

Celebrate Your Success

As you navigate the entrepreneurial journey, remember to celebrate your milestones and achievements.

Share your success stories on social media using the hashtag #TheBEI and inspire others in our community.